Extrusion machines
We have the most modern multi-layer co-extrusion machinery. Our extrusion lines allow us to transform different types of thermoplastics into sheets and rolls with different appearances. To this end, we have perfectly qualified machine operators with vast experience in the extrusion trade.
We have facilities covering 11,000m2, distributed between central headquarters (where most manufacturing takes place) in the town of Legazpi, and another production centre 5 km away from the town of Urretxu.
Offices, machinery, laboratory, instruments, silos and the warehouse all form part of our facilities. We have a broad space, sufficient for carrying out our main activity: plastic transformation.
Silos, Warehouse
We have totally adapted and conditioned equipment that we keep under clean, orderly and secure conditions. Both our production methods and our products are arranged and/or stored so as to guarantee maximum quality for the product that we deliver to our customer. We optimise and delimit work and storage spaces to further guarantee security when working, an added objective on which we always remain focused in our internal organization.