
Specialists in colours

We can supply a wide range of finishes to adapt to our customers’ requirements.

Solid colours

We have the widest selection of colours on the market.

Solid colours

We can develop any colour that our customers need. Based on an international reference such as a Pantone, RAL or customer sample, we can quickly and precisely match the requested colour. We can do this because we have an expert team and internal laboratory. Furthermore, the Masterbatch is manufactured at our facilities. We are doubtlessly colour specialists.

Furthermore, we can provide our sheets and rolls with different surface appearances: gloss, matt, satin.

Decorative designs

PLASNOR is a leader on the high gloss acrylic imitations market. Over the past years, we have developed the most exclusive and innovative selection of finishes, such as woodgrainss, textiles, ceramics or geometrics, as well as more technical finishes like brushed aluminium.

Metallic colours

Our entire colour selection can be supplied with a metallic, glossy or matt appearance, endowing our sheets with an aesthetic bonus that is highly valued by our customers


We can also supply our different materials with different embossed finishes, widely used in industrial applications.